More brands set to fail challenge of digital commerce
Leading experts including Adam Morallee of Mishcon de Reya and Richard Dennys, of Qype talking about Digital Reputation and the challenge facing High Street Brands
eBay beats out Apple in social media top 50
Ebay beats out top brands via depth of community.
Double digit industry beating campaign results
We’re probably not as good as we should be at blowing our own trumpets – largely because we don’t have time to draw breath. Once again, we’ve achieved some incredible results for a client, and this time I’m taking the time to share the good news. In short, we ran two campaigns for our client.
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It’s official: McKinsey finds web 2.0 pays off
A new report in McKinsey Quarterly finds networked enterprises perform better when it comes to market share gains, operating profits and market leadership. In The rise of the networked enterprise: Web 2.0 finds its payday, McKinsey finds: “statistically significant evidence that technology-enabled collaboration with external stakeholders helps organizations gain market share from the competition. They
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A lesson in storytelling at What’s Next Wales
I am always on the lookout for compelling insights and information about social media, and last week in Wales I was in for a treat. It came in the form of a keynote by Trey Pennington, US social media expert and masterful professional speaker. The event was the What’s Next social media event in Cardiff
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A fresh taste of BlackBerry
It’s five days since I got back from interviewing around 20 of Europe’s best BlackBerry app developers. Exciting is the only word I can think of to describe the ways they are putting BlackBerry to work – everything from mobile policing to e-government to production management. The people I spoke to were finalists in the
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Big opportunities for video marketing innovators
“Video is one of the most powerful methods of engaging your audience whilst widening your brand presence. Yet, the majority of marketers have yet to take advantage of the opportunities it presents“ Client Bob Barker of Alterian, the client for whom we created Engaging Times TV, drew our attention to this quote from New Media Age.
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yBC covers cutting edge of digital marketing
This week I will be in London covering the huge Technology for Marketing & Advertising (TFM&A) show in Earl’s Court. Covering topics like the latest digital, direct, data and CRM solutions this is core business for yBC and I am very excited to see what people are doing as digital media increasingly becomes business-as-usual. Our
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Back to basics marketing still works
Recently we interviewed branding guru Jonathan Salem Baskin and he made the point that really marketing – and in particular advertising – has gone awol. He argues that companies are effectively wasting huge amounts of money communicating the imaginary benefits of their toothpaste, when the consumer a. Can easily find out on the internet that this
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Local yBC channel for Southend on Sea
Today we announced the launch of yourBusinessChannel Southend, an online TV channel dedicated to profiling Southend businesses, that we’re producing in partnership with local businessman Baiju Solanki. I first met Baiju at a networking event. He had just been named Southend’s Businessman of the Year and was mulling over ideas to promote the business community
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