It’s official: McKinsey finds web 2.0 pays off

A new report in McKinsey Quarterly finds networked enterprises perform better when it comes to market share gains, operating profits and market leadership. In The rise of the networked enterprise: Web  2.0 finds its payday, McKinsey finds: “statistically significant evidence that technology-enabled collaboration with external stakeholders helps organizations gain market share from the competition. They
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Big opportunities for video marketing innovators

“Video is one of the most powerful methods of engaging your audience whilst widening your brand presence. Yet, the majority of marketers have yet to take advantage of the opportunities it presents“ Client Bob Barker of Alterian, the client for whom we created Engaging Times TV, drew our attention to this quote from New Media Age.
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C-level video campaign achieves 40% watch rate

One yBC client is celebrating fantastic results of an outbound marketing campaign using our 1:1 marketing platform, VIP player. Campaign Emails Sent Click rate Watch rate Average watched A – Existing Contact 47 57% 32% 99% B – Existing Contact 61 18% 13% 91% C – New Contact 209 44% 39% 93% E – New
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yBC becomes YouTube partner

We have been active on YouTube for quite some time, but earlier this week we received confirmation yourBusinessChannel has become an official YouTube partner. In addition to being the #1 video site in the world, YouTube is also the second largest search engine on the internet. That’s why we’ve been posting our great content on
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Video keeps online comms on-message

When bloggers pick up company press releases, more than ¾ of them distort the original company message, according to research from PR firm Burston Marsteller and reported in Emarketer. Burson-Marsteller looked at over 150 messages sent out by FT Global 100 firms, and discovered a significant gap between the message and the coverage. Distortion was highest
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