Recently we interviewed one of the world’s leading social media experts – he predicted there would be no social media experts in five years because it will be core business. Increasingly the marketing industry is waking up to this reality as well.
In fact, it’s now over 12 months ago that Forrester began suggesting that marketing and PR agencies that don’t evolve will find themselves out of work.
“We’ve hinted before that agencies that can’t transition from pushing out messages to nurturing customer connections aren’t long for this world…Service firms that lack data management, analytics, listening, social media execution and strategy expertise will dry up.”
The headaches aren’t just for the agencies. As clients watch other companies increasingly engaging their clients online we know for a fact that serious questions are being asked about skillsets and ability to understand the new world.
The good news is that social media is great news for marketers. And in reality it’s not that scary. In essence, the kind of social media we do at is similar to what your PR agency have been doing for years – creating thought leadership and compelling stories about your organisation that can be shared with people who matter. It’s just the format that’s new. Not only can we guide you through what you need to do, we also have the tools and technology to ensure you make strategic decisions about where to distribute your content, monitor progress and accurately measure the ROI.
So when it comes to social media, think evolution not revolution. And don’t think if, think when.