In a world where volatility is the new reality, the past is no longer useful in predicting the future. From Stockmarkets to the ongoing Eurocrisis to the High Street, we need to get comfortable with extreme events and rapid change. Once the stuff of science fiction, top experts like Dr Paul Hofmann believes that AI can help companies to be clever like Amazon or Apple – even if you only sell toothpaste
Also Featuring:
Julie Meyer, CEO, Ariadne Capital, Dragons Den
Adam Morallee Mishcon de Reya
Dr Paul Hofmann, VP Research SAP Labs
Sammy Haroon, Consultant, GE Energy
Keith Holdt, Swiss Post Solutions
Dr Manny Aparicio, Saffron Technologies
Gayle Sheppard, Saffron Technologies
Jasper Berens, JP Morgan Asset Management
Neil Evans, Head of solutions and sales, Occam DM