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Video training platform to help you go well at work

The team at yBC is very pleased to confirm the launch of a video training platform to help people improve their state of health.

Harley Street E Learning
Launched in conjunction with Harley Street nutritionist and author of five books on the subject, Kate Cook, the platform primarily focuses on helping people to maintain a healthier lifestyle, so that they can “go well at work”.  It is being offered to businesses wanting to extend their corporate wellness programme to reach more people.

The video training platform incorporates a mix of learning modes so that people can maximize the benefit they get for the course regardless of their preferred mode of learning. The numerous modules can be accessed 24/7 and people using the platform can complete the course in whatever time-frame suits them best.

yBC has developed the video training platform to help well respected experts and trainers reach more of the right people, without compromising on the quality of the training that they deliver.  In the first few days since launch, the platform has received very strong interest indeed from business wanting to improve their corporate wellness program.

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