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yBC teams up with leading London law firm Mishcon de Reya

Last week, yBC launched a series of new channels in conjunction with leading London law firm Mishcon de Reya, and the initial feedback from our partners and their key stakeholders is excellent.

On Friday night we asked Mishcon de Reya’s business development director Elliot Moss for reaction, via his mobile phone, as he finished the week.  Here’s what he said: “Comments all great. Amazing. Pride internally. External partners saying great idea. Heads of department getting that our clients see this as added value content AND want to feature in it. Even to the point of one client saying ‘can I meet that person’. Couldn’t be happier.

… which is a nice way for us to end June and enter the summer months!

His comments are reiterated by the firm’s communications and PR manager Hayley Furminger: “The response following the launch of our digital TV initiative has been overwhelmingly positive. The fruition of many months work, it’s really heartening not only to be getting calls from clients and contacts to congratulate us, they’re lining up to be filmed themselves! Also, and crucially, the internal verdict is also sealed – our people love it (even some of the more camera-shy participants…)

No stranger to innovation (Mischcon de Reya was awarded top position in last year’s Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Top 50 for its brand marketing), we’ve been impressed by the way the firm quickly appreciated online video’s enormous potential as a communication channel . Over the past few months we’ve had the pleasure of interviewing a number of Mishcon’s brightest stars, and some of its more fascinating clients and contacts.

So, for example, if you want to know how what entrepreneur John Paleomylites learned when he sold to Google for Millions, tune in to Deals and Dealmakers. You’ll find more insights on the other two channels we’ve launched with Mishcons, namely London Influence and Digital Economy.

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