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Announcing a new channel to focus on business risk

yBC’s new business risk TV channel will explore innovative approaches to risk management.

Today yBC announces the launch of a new business TV channel to add to our suite. This channel will focus on business risk and how businesses are assessing, facing and mitigating those risks. Business risk cannot easily be avoided, but there is plenty that risk experts can do to make it more palatable.

Following the success of yBCs existing business TV channels, which include Inside Finance TV, Hospitality TV, and the Connected Economy channel, this new channel will explore different approaches to risk, including ways in which organisations of all sizes can fundamentally change their risk profile. All content will available to watch for free.

yBC has already secured a number of interviews with leaders in the field and with businesses that have an innovative approach to risk management. We will be announcing programming soon and looking forward to generating conversations around all these risk topics. If you would like to be involved in the business risk channel in any way please contact us.

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