Steal the show: publish the most valued content in your field

Global Consulting Firm: “The best content we’ve ever made”

It’s not unusual for us to get great feedback from our clients. In fact, this is one of the key measures we pride ourselves on.

But when senior executives at a global consulting firm with over 61,000 employees tell you that the content you’ve produced is “the best content we’ve ever made”, well that’s a great piece of feedback!

We’ve recently been working with the team at Pay360 by Capita on a series of innovative, highly engaging content which helps them connect better with their market. Specifically, the tech series we’ve developed alongside Pay360 by Capita helps them get the attention of a very important C-level audience right throughout a specific set of industry verticals.

So when a £3.5 billion company tells you that you’re creating their best material, it’s a good reason to celebrate.

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Global Consulting Firm: “The best content we’ve ever made”

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