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Presentations to board of Prudential Plc get top marks

The senior management team of our client Eastspring Investments, based in Singapore, was invited to present to their parent company Prudential Plc.  The entire board of Prudential was conducting a tour of businesses in Asia, and Eastspring was given half a day for their programme.

We were asked to come in and help create high impact presentations for the team over an intense two week period.  We started with the raw material from some of Eastspring’s most senior and talented people, including their CEO and CIO.  Our source material included PowerPoint presentations, notes and in some cases a verbal briefing.

Within two weeks, we had worked with the Eastspring team to create very high impact presentations in a variety of formats, including some video for extra impact.  The resulting presentations were driven in Keynote, Prezi, via video and on other platforms.

The board of Prudential Plc was most impressed, with the Chairman feeding back to our client that these were “the best presentations they’d seen on the entire tour”.


Result?  You betcha.



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