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Business leaders wake up to disruption and new leadership competencies

TomorrowToday’s latest UK showcase discusses agile leadership competencies in a disruptive world

Early Wednesday morning yBC joined smart thinking business leaders at to the top of London’s iconic building ‘The Gherkin’ for breakfast and a showcase hosted by TomorrowToday.

The showcase discussed how leadership competencies can be learnt and teams can be built so they “know what to do, when they don’t know what to do.” TomorrowToday brings insightful and inspired thinking to business leaders to help them prepare for the future world of work. Founders Dean van Leeuwen and Graeme Codrington are world-class speakers and experts on disruption and business strategy. Their understanding of future trends and adaptive business planning is invaluable to leaders who want their business to survive in a fast changing, unpredictable world.

yBC interviewed all four forward thinking speakers at the showcase about leadership competencies and business disruption. Clips from these interviews will appear on many of  yBC’s channels.

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