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yBC launches Extraordinary Podcast

The team at is thrilled to announce the Extraordinary Podcast – a new podcast from yBC which will launch in July 2024.

[Update – shows are now live here]

The world as we know it stands at a crossroads.  It’s a time of high uncertainty, change and tough challenges all coming together at once. These include climate change, economic turbulence, technological development, generational friction, greater political polarisation, war, biodiversity breakdown and more. Against this background, the choices that people make now in both their business and personal lives will have impacts for years to come.

Glance at the news, and it feels like there is a lot of negativity around. You’d be forgiven for focussing on all that is going wrong. Unfortunately, many will.

But yBC sees a strong case for optimism. There is a lot of good work being done – great progress being made. Often, some of the most positive and high-impact change is achieved during times of great turbulence and uncertainty. There are always people right at the centre of that change. With our latest non-commercial project, we’re zeroing in on those people.

We’re currently editing the first few episodes of a new podcast which will launch early next month. It’s something we’ve been planning to do for a long time – but other plans temporarily got in the way. Earlier this year, we agreed to give this priority as a key project which helps our team “give back”.

yBC’s “Extraordinary” podcast focusses in on the people making a difference. The podcast will pull together a unique array of people taking on big challenges and doing extraordinary things. People modestly focussing on an issue, cause, challenge or industry that they are passionate about. People making things happen to make a real difference to those around them and those who follow in their footsteps.

Our interviewees will span the world of business, culture, science, politics, sports, community and academia. We’ll feature people whose work is highly visible as well as those who work entirely behind the scenes; we’ll share stories of innovators, disruptors and challengers who are breaking through barriers as well as those who are putting solid foundations in place to help others around them.

During our first season, many of our interviewees will be based in Aotearoa, New Zealand, as that’s where our business is based and where our founders Mark Sinclair and James Kirk come from. But we also have a vibrant international network, and we’ll be reaching out to people based outside of the county, creating global impact in their chosen field. A handful of the initial postcasts will feature some of our favourite interviewees from recent years. The benchmark being that each of these people will be “extraordinary” in their own way.

We’re creating the Extraordinary podcast as a series of candid interviews with leaders we can all learn from. Our aim is …

– to inspire others
– to learn from past challenges, pivotal moments and achievements
– to light the path forward
– to give people hope, encouragement and a positive outlook

Listen out for further details as we launch the Extraordinary Podcast in the very near future.

For the avoidance of doubt, this project is part of yBC’s non-commercial activities, aimed at “giving back” to the communities in which we live and work. If you have any suggestions as to who might be featured, please do get in touch!

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