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IT needs to get on with the rest of the business better

Business relationship management skill can help enterprise IT have a more prominent and valuable position in a company.


yBC has been working closely with enterprise technology researcher and thought leaders from CSC’s Leading Edge Forum (LEF). Business expertise from these thoughts leaders features in content across our business TV channels.

Technology thought leadership think tank LEF, part of CSC – a global leader of next-generation IT with a revenue of US$13Bn, is running a unique programme on business relationship management to teach managers how to give IT a more valued position in business. This is essential in our increasingly digital world where IT needs to operate more at the front of the business rather than as a traditional service provider.

LEF has been researching business relationship management and providing training since 2006 but has updated its services to reflect the changing business world and Outside In disruption. LEF asked us to produce a concise and engaging 3min video to explain what LEF’s new training programme offers. yBC created an animated video depicting the transformation of a company which isolates IT from the executive team to a company which maximises all of its assets.

The video is now featured on LEF’s business relationship management page and can be viewed above.

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