Social Media: Social tools are behaviours, not marketing channels

Graeme Codrington, a Futurist at TomorrowToday on the mindset shift in marketing

Unstructured data – what are businesses doing about it?

Keith Holdt, Head of Global Sales at Swiss Post, speaks about how to harness unstructured data.

Data Analytics – The demise of traditional market segmentation

Manny Aparicio, co-founder and CEO at Saffron Technology, speaks about big data analytics and the new type of customer segmentation.

High Tech Lynch mob: Social media plays judge and jury

With social media, fans now hold the power over personalities and brands. And whether in sports, consumer or politics, the shift from high tech bandwagon to high tech lynch mob can be all too swift. How can brands and companies fight back? Louis Gray, product marketing manager, Google+ We’re in a new era of communication
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How Artificial Intelligence can save the markets (and our jobs)

In a world where volatility is the new reality, the past is no longer useful in predicting the future. 
We need to get comfortable with extreme events and rapid change.

The digital generation

Stan Rapp. Markus Becker and Don Peppers discuss the impact on business

The geeks shall inherit the marketing budget

GSK data man on creativity and science.

Chick-Fil-A invites 2.2m friends for dinner

Fastfood chain trumps bigger brands by using FaceBook to take 1m dinner reservations.

Retaining exclusivity in the digital age

Adam Moralle on the challenge for brands to widen services and deepen relationships.

“Jon Stewartising” corporate comms for IBM

How comic achieved viral YouTube success