Putting diversity, equity and inclusion front and centre

yBC has been confirmed as the content development partner for a specialist DE&I portal which will launch in summer 2024 (Northern Hemisphere). The portal is being developed in conjunction with London based recruitment and staffing firm SuperStars, and will span the UK, Europe, North America and Oceania. It will include interviews with global experts with
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Challenger brand going head to head with big names in global consultancy

Horwath HTL is a global consultancy in the hospitality, travel and tourism sector, with consultants all over the globe advising boards and investors as they seek growth in the sector. We’ve worked with the Horwath HTL team for well over a decade, having already built three iterations of their online presence for the business. In
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YouTube advertising effectiveness > TV?

As the convergence of TV and digital continues, Google now claims YouTube advertising effectiveness is greater than TV. Matt Brittin, Google’s top-ranking European executive, is set to unveil a report analysing ad campaigns across eight countries that show in 80% of cases YouTube ads were far more effective than TV ads in driving sales. Needless
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YouTube advertising effectiveness
Michael Wolff Digital TV

Digital Television is the new Television

In his new book Michael Wolff argues that digital media is becoming all about video and so digital television is the new television. Despite the hype of record digital media spend, Michael Wolff argues in his recent book Television is the new Television (2015), that digital has not bested good old fashioned TV. Instead digital media
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Beyond Branded Content (why branded content used to work)

Douglas Holt in Harvard Business Review argues that Branded Content does not work anymore. Now brands have to compete directly with real entertainment.

Beyond Branded Content
Digital Chef TV

Digital Chef stirs up consumer technology

yBC works with CSC’s Leading Edge Forum to produce Jamie Oliver style TV shows about consumer technology. Lewis Richards, “The Digital Chef” runs Xperience Lab programmes to bring innovation and experience to enterprise. LEF wanted to be able to open up elements of this incredible programme – which provides opportunities for haptic, hands on learning
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