B2Bs find social media great for brand building, relationships

Building brand reputation and awareness are the most effective uses of social media for B2Bs, according to a new data just released byMarketing Sherpa and available free on their site during October 2010. The research found 92% respondents thought social media was very effective or somewhat effective at influencing B2B brand reputation, and 91% consider
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Don’t forget technology

Content is critical, don’t get me wrong. But in order to get that compelling content to the right person, in the right format, in the right place at the right time, you also need technology. If you were head of marketing at huge corporation you’d be heading direct to Google or Apple or Microsoft to
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All social media is not created equal

If you follow the debate around social media, you’ll know there are a lot of gurus who argue passionately that “social” is the way to go. What intrigues me is the broad array of examples they use to make the case for “doing social media” – they are so diverse it’s comparable to advocating “doing
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Alterian acquires Intrepid – share price goes up

Around 36 hours ago, our client Alterian Plc announced to the market that it had acquired Intrepid Inc (by the way, if you look at there homepage, I love that fish). In the meantime, there’s been plenty of buzz about the news on social networks, including of course Twitter and Facebook, as the news spread.
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People in glass houses…

Fresh from announcing our decision to guarantee positive ROI for all our client work, the godfather of direct marketing Stan Rapp’s comments on advertising had particular resonance when I interviewed him in Chicago recently. What did he say? “Advertising is the only business in the world that lives with 50% waste.” Perhaps Advertising Age might
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Corporates and risky content

This week, I’m likely to interview Tim Washer, the comedian behind IBM’s Art of the Sale viral videos. This was a story line that cut alarmingly close to the bone, but which has paid off handsomely for IBM. I’ll be asking him about the whole experience because as we all know companies don’t like risk.
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Focus on ROI makes marketing with yBC.tv a no brainer

Once people thought the world was flat. Today, in our part of the world at least, they’re struggling to put budget into online campaigns, despite evidence that they can really work. We sympathise. That’s why we’re guaranteeing positive ROI for all significant projects with yBC.tv clients. That means every yBC.tv client can be assured of
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ROI guarantee goes to the heart of the matter

Are you a marketer or business leader who’s sitting on the fence about social media? Engaged but not investing? I’ve got a challenge for you. What if yBC.tv were prepared to guarantee positive ROI for all significant editorial and 1:1 marketing campaigns you do with us? Would that help? At yBC.tv we’ve been having some
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1:1 video sales tool achieving high response rates

Recently yBC.tv reviewed our performance to generate some data for a pitch. There is one sales statistic that stood out – 40%. That’s the open rate so far for DM emails containing video content presented our VIP player, which we are trialling internally and with a couple of PLCs in the B2B space. We are
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Why social media marketing is the smart option

The internet is a game changer for many businesses, including yours. You know it, but do you believe it? Here are some stats to convince you digital media is a force you need to reckon with. Social media is now officially more popular than porn on the internet. Universal McCann study finds 33% of social
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