A fresh taste of BlackBerry

It’s five days since I got back from interviewing around 20 of Europe’s best BlackBerry app developers. Exciting is the only word I can think of to describe the ways they are putting BlackBerry to work – everything from mobile policing to e-government to production management. The people I spoke to were finalists in the
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What’s holding London back?

If you ask Colin Stanbridge, CEO of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, immigration and infrastructure are two areas London needs to make changes if it is to remain a dominant capital. During our interview yesterday, Mr Stanbridge argued for another runway at Heathrow, high speed rail connections with Europe, and a relaxation of
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Big opportunities for video marketing innovators

“Video is one of the most powerful methods of engaging your audience whilst widening your brand presence. Yet, the majority of marketers have yet to take advantage of the opportunities it presents“ Client Bob Barker of Alterian, the client for whom we created Engaging Times TV, drew our attention to this quote from New Media Age.
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C-level video campaign achieves 40% watch rate

One yBC client is celebrating fantastic results of an outbound marketing campaign using our 1:1 marketing platform, VIP player. Campaign Emails Sent Click rate Watch rate Average watched A – Existing Contact 47 57% 32% 99% B – Existing Contact 61 18% 13% 91% C – New Contact 209 44% 39% 93% E – New
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yBC gives keynote for TopConsultant

Last week I was keynote speaker at TopConsultant.com’s annual conference of management consultants and industry recruiters. My job was to provide analysis on how the industry is using social media to get the attention of influencers and candidates. Despite the organiser TopConsultant.com having established itself as the UK’s leading job board for management consultants, my
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Big ideas that got me thinking

  If you want to have your mind expanded about marketing issues I recommend you check out the shows coming out of Alterian’s recent Engaging Times summit in Chicago. Interviewing the likes of Don Peppers, founder of Peppers and Rogers Group, and advertising’s elder statesman Stan Rapp, Chairman of Enguage, I was blown away by the
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Back to basics marketing still works

Recently we interviewed branding guru Jonathan Salem Baskin and he made the point that really marketing – and in particular advertising – has gone awol. He argues that companies are effectively wasting huge amounts of money communicating the imaginary benefits of their toothpaste, when the consumer a. Can easily find out on the internet that this
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Production values still matter in online video

In this world of ubiquitous digital video cameras and easy-to-use editing software why does business still need expert video producers? After all, if it’s going on the internet it doesn’t need to be cinema quality. Right? Well, sort of. But not really. I’m all for cheap and cheerful video production in the right context. Perhaps
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Video remains preferred social media activity

If you’re wondering how business can relate to people on social media, I’d recommend taking a look at Universal McCann’s recent Wave 5 social media report. This research, as I’ve mentioned previously, began in 2006 and each new report reveals the changing nature of how people spend time on the internet. In terms of yBC’s
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New Wave report shows rise and rise of social media

Far from being the domain of teenagers, mobile social networking is proving most popular with affluent, well-educated professionals (ie people who can afford a smartphone). This is just one of many nuggets of information about our global social media habits contained in Universal McCann’s latest Wave 5 report. The Wave reports, a series that annually
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